You can’t hold me accountable for anything I might say for the duration of this ride.”
As my dad and I lock into our seats, I say, “Dad. But seen by my own eyes, the twining metal tracks are ominous. Standing in line for my first roller coaster ride ever, I thought I’d left this kind of fear behind. Please Lord, make me forget I ever saw Chucky. My pathetic face with its dirty tear ruts is hidden under a pillow and I might be legit praying for the first time. It would be a sign of weakness to admit to him that I can’t sleep. Why am I watching this? Why would anyone watch this?Ī few years later, I’m crouched in the dark in my stepbrother’s room. Generally regarded as more of a black comedy, this film and its sequel injected slimy spider demons into my nightmares for a long time.
The first movie I remember truly terrifying me was Gremlins.